
The 10 Magneto best songs according to UachateC

These are the 10 Magneto best songs, according to our criteria:

Magneto was a vocal-choreographic boy band of mostly Mexican singers, but with a Guatemalan member as well . He had great successes in the 80s and 90s, with songs that marked an entire generation.

Magneto best songs

1. Vuela, vuela

This song is perhaps Magneto’s most famous, and was an international hit in 1991. It is a Spanish version of the song Voyage voyage by the French singer Desireless. The lyrics talk about escaping from reality and flying through the world with your loved one.

Magneto best songs

2. Para Siempre

This song is a romantic ballad that expresses the desire to be together with the loved one forever. It was released in 1991 and became one of the youthful love anthems of the time.

Magneto best songs

3. 40 grados

This song is one of Magneto’s liveliest and funniest, and it was a hit in 1990. The lyrics talk about the fever that love produces and the warmth that it feels to be close to the desired person.

Magneto best songs

4. La puerta del colegio

This song is a nostalgic melody that recalls school times and first loves. It was released in 1990 and became a fan favorite.

5. Suena tremendo

This song is one of the first released by Magneto, in 1986, and it was a success throughout Latin America. The lyrics talk about music as a form of expression and fun, and how Magneto’s rhythm sounds tremendous.

6. Mira, mira, mira

This song is another of Magneto’s most popular, and it was released in 1991. It is a happy and flirtatious song that invites you to look into the eyes of the person you like and win them over with your charm.

7. Obsesión

This song is one of Magneto’s most intense and dramatic, and was released in 1989. The lyrics talk about the obsession a man feels for a woman who doesn’t love him back, and how he suffers for his impossible love.

8. Sugar, sugar

This song is a Spanish version of the classic song Sugar Sugar by The Archies, and it was released in 1987. It is a sweet and sticky song that talks about the taste of love and sugar that sweetens life.

9. Malherido

Malherido is a song by the Mexican pop group Magneto, which is part of their eighth and last studio album Tu libertad, published in 1994. The song talks about a man who suffered from the deception and damage of a woman, but who managed to Get over it and find someone else. The song was one of the most successful singles from the album and has an official video.

10. Eva Maria

This song is a funny parody of the song María Isabel by the group Los Payos, and it was released in 1987. It is a song that tells the story of a man who falls in love with a woman named Eva María, but who turns out to be a transvestite.

Magneto best songs
Magneto best songs

These are the 10 best Magneto songs , in our opinion. Do you agree? What are your favourites? Leave me your comment below.👇

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Alberto Pérez Velázquez

Director y Co-fundador de grupo UachateC
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