
The 60 best Radiohead songs according to UachateC

51. Planet Telex

The song that opens The Bends, an explosion of space rock with distorted guitars and synths. The lyrics are a warning about the dehumanization of technology and communication.

52. Kid A

The title track of Radiohead’s fourth album, a piece of experimental electronic music with distorted vocals and abstract sounds. The lyrics are cryptic and allude to themes such as cloning, the environment, and alienation.

53. Give Up the Ghost

A song by The King of Limbs that is based on an acoustic guitar and a vocal loop that repeats “don’t hurt me”. The lyrics are a plea for forgiveness and reconciliation with someone or something.

54. Creep

The song that launched Radiohead to stardom, an alternative rock anthem with lyrics that express insecurity and desire for someone who feels inferior and marginalized. The song became famous for the loud chords that interrupt the soft verse.

55. Like Spinning Plates

An Amnesiac song that was created by playing a previous version of the song I Will backwards. The result is a spooky and disconcerting atmosphere, with an inverted voice and electronic sounds. The lyrics talk about the failure of a relationship and the inability to communicate.

56. Morning Bell

A song that appears in two different versions on Kid A and Amnesiac, with different musical arrangements but the same lyrics. The lyrics deal with divorce and separation, with images of violence and despair.

57. Where I End and You Begin

A Hail to the Thief song that has a pulsing beat and atmospheric guitar. The lyrics are a reflection on identity and the difference between the self and the other, with references to politics and war.

58. Black Star

A song by The Bends that has a more pop and melodic sound than others on the album. The lyrics are a confession of infidelity and guilt, with astronomical metaphors.

59. Identikit

A song by A Moon Shaped Pool that combines elements of rock and electronica, with a catchy chorus and a guitar solo. The lyrics are ambiguous, but seem to talk about losing individuality and authenticity in a shallow and repetitive world.

60. Faust Arp

A song by In Rainbows that is inspired by folk and classical music, with an acoustic guitar and a string quartet. The lyrics are a critique of modern society and its materialistic values, with references to the literary work Faust.

best radiohead songs
best radiohead songs

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Alberto Pérez Velázquez

Director y Co-fundador de grupo UachateC
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